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Mere Addition is equivalent to avoiding the Repugnant Conclusion in all plausible variable-population social orderings

Published in Economics Letters, 2020

This paper uses formal axiological arguments to prove, given a set of uncontroversial axioms, the equivalence of two much-studied principles focused on the sign of the lifetime utility of additions to a population.

Recommended citation: Franz, Nathan, & Dean Spears (2020). "Mere Addition is equivalent to avoiding the Sadistic Conclusion in all plausible variable-population social orderings." Economics Letters, 196, 109547.



Basic Demographic Methods and Materials, Teaching Assistant

Graduate course in Sociology Department, University of Texas at Austin, 2020

Course description

This is a graduate-level course on the methods and models of demography. It covers population growth and composition; measures of mortality, fertility, marriage, and migration; life table construction, population projection, and other topics in applied demography.

Basic Demographic Methods and Materials, Teaching Assistant

Graduate course in Sociology Department, University of Texas at Austin, 2022

Course description

This is a graduate-level course on the methods and models of demography. It covers population growth and composition; measures of mortality, fertility, marriage, and migration; life table construction, population projection, and other topics in applied demography.